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/ AOL File Library: 9,200 to 9,299 / 9200.zip / AOLDLs / Poetry Library 1 / That's Us (in love) / thatsUs.txt < prev   
Text File  |  2014-12-10  |  492b  |  23 lines

  1. That's us in the candlelight
  2. with red wine flowing
  3. and our eyes glowing
  4. flashing with a fiery dance
  5. That's us in the park
  6. with hands held together
  7. and love birds overhead
  8. singing of fantasies come true
  9. That's us in each other's arms
  10. with body heat rising
  11. and our hands searching
  12. making magic happen
  13. That's us in love
  14. with cupid smiling above
  15. and all the heavens cheering
  16. blessing our union.
  19. by, 
  20. WPHUNG (blessed be) 
  21. Send any comments to WPHUNG@aol.com 
  22. ⌐ 2000 WPHUNG